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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Dreams, Motivation and follow through

I got dreams. Big ones. I have spotty motivation and follow through.
Things are happening and I am pushing through.
In the last seven days, I have been thrown under the bus, inspired people, broke a shoe, lost things, been inspired by people, been inspired by sorors, been confused, gained clarity and finally rested.

I need to pick a day for my todo list, a list that I write to break up my days to address my projects.

As you see, my week was not perfect. It was filled with hills and valleys. I fell and stumbled. I got up.
I have no idea what today will bring, I just know that as long as I am alive and competent, I will bring my A game.

Today, take a moment to be quite and reflect. Plan and prepare. Move through your mess, identify your purpose and stake your goal.

Follow up and follow through.

Vick the Communication Diva

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Safety, Trust, Polite and who really has your back

I am in business. Although, I have a benevolent spirit; I am here to make money. I have a trusting spirit; but I am far from a fool.

I speak of boundaries and yet I blur the lines. This comes from my need for confirmation. Why is that? That's why folks talk. We want our feelings, thoughts and ideas validated.

This is different spin. This is business. I can help but not at the cost of my business. I can trust,but not at the cost of my business. I can talk, but not details,  not secrets,  not at the cost of my business. 

Who has you back? Everyone doesn't. But, for real everyone shouldn't be. Lines need to be drawn and the lines need to clear.

Every body friendly aint your friend. Everyone who says they have your back, doesn't. You know who does and who does. Peoples tell you and show you.

Business is real. This ain't play play. Business is poker, chess, monopoly, spades and tunk...stay alert folks and lets do this.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

It's Just Business

I have bid on a contract. I was told that the organization was going in a different direction. I was told that they were in negotiations with the other company.

My husband called  bull shit. I spoke to my VTEC contract consultant. I explained the situation. She reviewed my documentation and ascertained that I completely qualified. She did not even understand how the other company was in the running.

She called the agency on my behalf and advised the Procurement contact that she knew the other organization did not qualify according to their addendum.

Wow , the Procurement contact says that I am still in the running.  Witf...

I was about to get the ok doke. Wow...I am honest and honorable and was about to get cheated.

Pay attention folks, you are the captain of ship and the master of your fate. Favor aint fair and business is  business. So, follow up and follow through....dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

Vick the Communication Diva

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Success, am I afraid of success

I have been asked if I am afraid of success. ...I want to say, no of course not. But that would be a lie. I am and I don't know why.

I am always surprised at my accomplishments, almost as if I don't deserve them,  almost as if someone will take them back. My husband does not get it, I don't either. I am smart and a hard worker. I have overcome obstacles that would cripple most folks.
Yet, I doubt me.

Why? I could go back to  my childhood, my crazy daddy, my college years and my first boyfriend. Was it my cancer, my fires,  my bestfriend dying of aids, my dad dying oe finding my mommy dead. Or, was it the firing from my job. My brother, thinks it was my first real job, I was failing and I bailed. That's been almost 30 yrs. It does, infect cancer.

I am not weak by any means, but I am flesh and bone. I am tough, but  I carry a hurt....I know I deserve success, I just got to believe it, too.

Vick the Communication Diva

Friday, September 4, 2015


I have trainings scheduled and need schedule mediations. I just purchased promotional products.
I can't believe it. I am truly on my way.

I still have proposals to bid on and promotions to plan. I invest in me and I see the results.

I just got to believe in my capabilities. I am great at what I do. I inspire and empower.

I am Vickie R. Williams-Cullins, Executive Director of Opn-Door Communications and I am here to provide you with the knowledge and tools that will allow you to communicate with purpose.

Vick the Communication Diva