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Friday, February 26, 2016

Diagnosis of Breast Cancer, this day will go down in infamy

8 years ago today, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I did not know what stage, but I did know that I was going to fight. During this time span, I lost and gain so much. I've lost my mom, some friends and my good govt job. I gained a solid husband, friendships , renewed friendships, strengthened family ties and my own business. I learned that I was resilient, smart, determined and resourceful.
I also learned that I am no hero nor courageous because I survived this illness experience. I say that because we all have survived some catastrophic event or trauma. I am however a annihilator. From day one, I was determined to fight and fight to the death to save my life, so I dubbed myself the cancer annihilator.
I say to you thank you for standing with me, beside me and behind me. Know this tha.t what ever you are facing. .stand and fuckin face it. You are a warrior and warriors fight to the death.
So, Stand and rely on faith, tenacity and purpose. You will get through and past this.
I am Vick the Cancer Annihilator and I approve this message.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Disappointment and Friendship

I try very hard to be a good friend.  I show up when I can and If I can. I try very hard to be a good wife.  I am consistent in my support and love for my husband.  Sometimes,  he disappoints me; but I stand by him and have unwavering support for him.
Sometimes,  I disappoint my friends;  which in turn disappoints me. I have learned to be truthful and humble in my apologies. 
Relationships are hierarchical in nature. My husband comes first, my family next and then my friends. This has been a difficult,  challenging and rewarding journey.
My family and friends don't have to understand,  respect or support my hierarchy;  the only people that do; are me and T.
I will continue to be honest no matter how painful it is. I continue to support, love and value my important friendships. I will continue to be consistent in my love and support for my husband.  I will continue to cultivate my friendship with my husband.
Unfortunately, we at times disappoint,  frustrate and anger the ones we love. We have to make a conscious effort to SINCERELY apologize if we intend to keep the relationship.  We have to also understand that the other party has A CHOICE to accept our apologies.

Relationships are complicated organisms. They live, breathe, die, fracture, reconstructed and at times are forever broken.
So, I say do what you can to maintain the relationships that you determine to be valuable.  Have the courage to apologize, when necessary and the wisdom to let go when needed.
Vick the Communication Diva