As we get closer to this election, I reflect upon my experience at Sorenson. Sorenson is where I learned civility in politics.
I learned to be passionate and yet pragmatic. I learned to listen and hear. I learned to respect differences and to work towards a common goal; despite these glaring differences.
Then, there's Trump. A self professed "billionaire " who has been bostered racist, mygonist, white supremacists and just folks who are afraid of people of color having a voice.
Trump stirs up people with his racist hateful retoric . He promises a great America; yet he is hell bent on destroying her.
I am in awe of his power to unearth these racist folks and I am determined that he will not get in office.
I am just a shocked that the Sorenson classmate that I expected to stand with Trump, did not; but the one that did not expect to stand with Trump, did.
Politics makes strange bedfellows and will unearth the true values of their supporters.
I stand with the Democratic nominee. I am against Trump and for civility.
It's not even about "sides." Trump isn't on the Republican side (unless he manages to take over the party). And he's not on the Democratic side, obviously. This isn't a Democrats vs. Republicans thing, this is Reasonable Humans vs. Racist Authoritarians.
Courtesy of my friend, Waldo Jaquith