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Friday, June 26, 2015

Gay marriage

I believe in gay marriage, always have. I believe adults have a right to love another adult. I believe homosexuality is normal. I support the LGBT community. Always have. I think being bi, is a bit greedy...but hey do you.

I believe in honesty. I believe that one should live their truth, without fear of harm.
I am glad the Supreme Court of the United States of America agrees with me.

I am good if you don't agree, but it is the law, so respect it.

Vick the Communication Diva

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Racism. ..Confederate flag...Rascist

When I see a confederate flag, I shudder. I associate it with, death, fear mongering and subjugation blacks. It has been a week since the Charleston murders and we now have the discussion. It was asserted that the murderer wrote a manifesto and the Confederate flag was featured on his website.

Now we take it down. Millions are still trying  to buy it from Amazon before they cease selling it. Our Governor has demanded the Confederate license  plate be removed. Other states have followed suit. Wow, the Confederate flag is going down, Walmart, eBay,  sears won't sell it.

Yet, we talking about the President using the  word nigger. A word that he is called on a daily basis. Removing the Confederate flag is a start; but not the solution. We have to have the conversation. We have to respect differences. We have to see color, if we don't we assume everything is safe and everything is ok. Well it's not.

Nine people died Last Wednesday at the hands of a young white man. This man is from the Millennium generation. The generation that grew up without only white water fountains. Grew up with the Cosby show. Grew up with Jay-Z and Beyonce and yet he was compelled to start a race war by murdering black people in a historic church.

Racism exist folks, we got to educate our children on the beauty of diversity. Educate our country on the necessity of diversity. It's not the differences that divide, it's the fear that someone different will subjugate you.

Racism is alive, well and growing. Are you brave enough within your sphere of influence to stop it?

Vick the Communication Diva

Tuesday, June 23, 2015


Last week, I found out my chapter soror's grandfather was killed in this tragic event.

Their family and the other families chose to forgive the shooter.

I get it. My family has experienced tragedy, as my uncle murdered my grandfather when I was a baby. My father chose to forgive his brother n law. We moved on as a family with the trajectory of our life forever changed.

Forgiveness is for the injured; for their peace. I continue to pray for their peace and strength.

Vick the Communication Diva

Friday, June 19, 2015

Racist acts are not the acts of the mentally ill

I am still in shock about what happened in Charleston.  I can barely sleep. I go from intense anger to extreme saddness. I wonder if this is how my mom felt when she heard about the 4 little girls murdered in a church in Alabama.

I am saddened and angry. I want folks to know that while we had given a stage to a white girl in black face; a monster was plotting.

While we ignored the boiling pot of racist planning to eradicate any black man or woman attempting to just live; a monster was planning.

While our police have made a habit of killing our black women,girls, men and boys; a monster was planning and plotting.

While black America was asleep at the wheel; these racist domestic terrorist are planning a takeover. They infiltrate media and the Internet with fear of  a black planet and yet they are who we should fear.

While white America was asleep  at the wheel; their brethren have become fear mongers and because the conversation of race Is so UNCOMFORTABLE,  they giggle at the jokes and agree with the stereotypes.

Make no mistake, racist monsters are bred and cultivated to engage in these heinous acts. They aren't mentally ill. So, miss me with the excuses and speak up and act out.
Ignorance and fear creates this evil; but apathy creates the climate that allows it to manifest and explode.

Vick the Communication Diva

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Church massacre

Church is designed to be a sanctuary. A place of safety and peace. Last night this sanctuary was violated. A young white man walked into the oldest A ME Church in the world and opened fire. This gunman is still at large. He killed 9 people. Nine people.

I am dumbfounded. Wednesday night bible study is a tradition in the black community. I am sick. These parishioners were slaughtered. Slaughtered.

Evil may have entered God's house , but make no mistake, HIS vengeance will be swift and mighty.

May God keep the bereaved strong and Charleston safe. May this Cretan be captured alive.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Happy b day Bob

Today is my mom's birthday. today she would have been 81. we would have went shopping we would have gotten our nails done and we would have dinner my mother was an absolutely a remarkable woman. she was smart and she was pretty. s rest exquisitely she was my buddy she was telling that I chose to emulate. She was my hero and I miss her.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

This week!## Rachel

This week sees the world aghast at the unmitigated gall of rachel dolezal 's deception. For years, she has stated that she was black. This is the ultimate catfish. Her parents called her out, she was born white.

Much discussion had been made on twitter, facebook, instagram and other forms of social media.  Some lauded the civil rights work that she performed in the community. Some stated that she should be forgiven. Others are disturbed and upset about her behavior. Some are upset with her parents for divulging her secret.

I am disappointed in her behavior. I am disgusted with her deception. I believe she had sociopathic tenacities. Her level of deceit was so egregious; she believed it.

I believe in forgiveness and accountability. She had owned nothing. That disturbs me. Her comfortability with assimilation into a culture and heritage that is historically marginalized is maddening.

The fact that folks are ok with unbelievable.

I am a proud black woman. I am not ok, not ok at all.

So miss me with the sympathy; I got bigger fish to fry...such as #blacklivesmatter,  police brutality, poverty, and building my community.

Go get help miss  rachel...

Sunday, June 7, 2015

7 years of survivorship

Today is National cancer survivor's day.

Survivorship is not easy. One may feel survivor's guilt. One may suffer from side effects of chemo or numerous surgeries. One may fear that the beast could come back.

Cancer survivorship is not sexy. Some of us suffer from body disfigurement. Low self-esteem. Loss of bodily functions. Low sex drive. Sexual promblems. Lack of understanding and support. Poor or no insurance.
Yet, we stand. We are courageous but not heroes. Yet, we stand. We are brave and scared. Yet, we stand. We fight even when our friends think the fight is over.

We stand. We fight. We battle and one fuckin day, we will win this motherfucking war.

But, until then, we stand.

Vick the Communication Diva

Views, opinions, standing your ground

Last night at dinner; catlyn Jenner was mentioned as a punch line. I didnt like it. She was called it. I corrected the dinner party. She identified as she. They seemed   uncomfortable with transgendered; I was uncomfortable with their bias.

I stood my ground. I did not find the jokes funny nor did engage in laughter. I acknowledged you may not like it,but it is who she is.
She is not an it. She is not a shim.

Don't be mad if the lgtb community is protected, just embrace the differences and miss me with the denigrating comments.
Everyone is not bias nor do they engage in bigotry behavior.

Vick the Communication Diva

Wednesday, June 3, 2015


Have you ever been bullied? I have. The bulling started when my family came to Virginia. I was in the 4th grade and Î was teased for "talking white".
As time went on, I was teased for dressing white and being goofy. I was teased for not being able to hang out with the cool kids and being chubby.

I dumbed down and tried to fit in.  Fast forward to college. I lost weight and made friends. I excelled in school and got boyfriends. I was selected to be a member of Delta Sigma Theta. The pledge period was one of the worst times of my life. I was bullied viciously. They attempted to break my spirit and my will. I made it through. I became a DELTA.  At that point in my life, I had never experienced adulation. It was wild and then respect. Offers of friendship from the very women who bullied me....not. 

I made life long friends and moved on to adult hood. I obtained a great gig and was overwhelmed and bullied by my boss and subordinate.

My self esteem was shot. I remained under employed and took no risk. I obtained  a masters and certifications. I started a business and became engaged in the community. Slowly my self esteem rose. I excelled. Then, I obtained  a job that I could not master. Over and over, I tried. I felt bullied by management. My self esteem crumbled. I eventually was fired. For a moment, I was lost. Lost.

I pulled myself together. I refuse to allow bullies or bullying to steal my self esteem  or devalue my worth.

Funny thing the women that bullied or teased me, we are now friendly. I am now considered  a role model, someone to emulate.who...knew.

Hurt people, hurt people. We all have the potential to bully; we must resist this compulsion. Simply because our words may be the very weapon to send someone over the edge.

Vick the Communication Diva 

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Tolerance and acceptance

Yesterday, Bruce Jenner revealed Catlin Jenner.  Bruce is transgendered and has decided to live in his truth. Yesterday, the play cousin and his friends engaged in discourse about tolerance.

tol·er·ance [tol-er-uh ns] Show IPA

— noun

a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one's own; freedom from bigotry.
a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward opinions and practices that differ from one's own.

I never thought it was a bad word, however the play cousin and friends opened my mind to a different view. They shared indifference and lack of willingness to evolve and grow. I had to think about it, am I indifferent when I tolerate folks who so not share my values or beliefs. Hmmmmmm.  This thread,encouraged me to twist the prism for real and in real-time.
Their passion opened my eyes to another view.

I still tolerate folks. I don't have to like or love you. You do not have to share my views. You dont have to like or love me. I want you to respect me, but if you don't, I get that to.

As an alternative dispute resolution professional, sometimes all I can get folks to do is tolerate each other. Respect isn't even in the picture and like/love isn't even in the cards.

Tolerance and the courage to set boundaries is sometimes the only tools in the box.

I am proud of Catlin Jenner. I am proud that she is living her life in truth and liberty. It takes courage to be open in this new word. A word comprised of internet courage and keyboard bullies, who will not hesitate to viciously tear a person apart.

A lot of folks don't understand her need to no longer be a him.
I hope folks can respect his choice, if not tolerate his moves and fix your own backyard,  there is nothing broken here.

Vick the Communication Diva