When I see a confederate flag, I shudder. I associate it with, death, fear mongering and subjugation blacks. It has been a week since the Charleston murders and we now have the discussion. It was asserted that the murderer wrote a manifesto and the Confederate flag was featured on his website.
Now we take it down. Millions are still trying to buy it from Amazon before they cease selling it. Our Governor has demanded the Confederate license plate be removed. Other states have followed suit. Wow, the Confederate flag is going down, Walmart, eBay, sears won't sell it.
Yet, we talking about the President using the word nigger. A word that he is called on a daily basis. Removing the Confederate flag is a start; but not the solution. We have to have the conversation. We have to respect differences. We have to see color, if we don't we assume everything is safe and everything is ok. Well it's not.
Nine people died Last Wednesday at the hands of a young white man. This man is from the Millennium generation. The generation that grew up without only white water fountains. Grew up with the Cosby show. Grew up with Jay-Z and Beyonce and yet he was compelled to start a race war by murdering black people in a historic church.
Racism exist folks, we got to educate our children on the beauty of diversity. Educate our country on the necessity of diversity. It's not the differences that divide, it's the fear that someone different will subjugate you.
Racism is alive, well and growing. Are you brave enough within your sphere of influence to stop it?
Vick the Communication Diva
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