Muhammad Ali has died. Whewwwww. Another part of my childhood gone.
My father was a huge boxing fan. He watched Muhammed Ali whenever he could.
When, we got to Virginia, the tv fights were family events. Daddy yelling, cussing, smoking, drinking and laughing.
Muhammad and Howard Cossell. Muhammad and Frazier. Muhammed and Forman. His rhymes. His boldness. His unabashed blackness. He spoke out in a time and era when black men were killed for speaking out.
He threw away his gold medal. He lost his title, because he refused to be drafted. He lost millions. Yet, he stood his ground.
Muhammed Ali was more than a boxer, he changed how black men were thought of, he changed how black men thought of themselves. His impact to was immeasurable. His legacy unmatched. He was indeed the Greatest of All Time; simply cause a little black boy from Louisville, Kentucky named Cassuis Clay said he was.
RIP to the GOAT.