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Saturday, May 3, 2014

Embrace Your Power and Awesomeness

Today,  I was on a mission.  I wanted to Vote→Shop→Relay for life→see my canceranhli8tor daughter's film debut→walk the survivor lap with my soror &organize my mail....all before noon.
Welllllllll LIFE happens.
Hubby decided that he wanted
To have lunch....

So, of course I stopped to have lunch with my T.
Welll that threw me off !!
I was able to Vote + shop but I missed my canceranhli8tor daughter's film debut.
I was able to organize my mail.

I exercised my power...I made a choice..I walked with my Soror.  It was amazing.  She was thrilled that I was there. I WAS thrilled to walk with her cause she is my soror and friend.  Now this does not dismiss my disappointment in missing my canceranhli8tor daughter's film debut,  it just means we CANNOT DO EVERYTHING!

Today I embraced my power. I made certain my Voice was heard. I embraced my awesomeness and celebrated my survival. I embraced my Soror's awesomeness and celebrated her survival.  I celebrated my hubby's awesomeness and stopped my day to spend time with him. I celebrated my canceranhli8tor daughter's awesomeness by congratulating her on her film debut.
Today embrace your power and celebrate your awesomeness! !
Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

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