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Saturday, May 31, 2014

Help-uplift-empower-serve or just a kind word or gesture

Pay it forward. Do you remember the movie that became a movement?

Today, while at McDonalds, I observed a man give a gentleman a cup of coffee. That warmed my heart, so I bought him some biscuits. Later, I learned McDonalds had not given me the right order. I went back and they gave me my correct biscuit. I had an extra one.

I donated 5$ to shred my items and learned my donation would be doubled. On the way into the library for my mediation appt, I saw a gentleman walking. I asked him if he wanted a sausage biscuit, he nodded yes. I went to my car and got the biscuits, my apple and cold water and gave it to him. He smiled and said God bless.

At this same time my soror, was working her lupus event. I am so proud of her. She has lupus but lupus does not have her. She has worked hard to ensure the community is informed and empowered to manage their disease. She does this work not for the accolades, but simply because it is the right thing to do.

We can all do something, within, our sphere of influence. A small gesture can change a person's day. Selflessly giving of your time to help others is important. You should not do it for the fame, glory or pats on the back. Just do it, simply cause it is the right thing to do.

The Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Friday, May 30, 2014


Elizabeth City State University is my alma mater. I pledged Delta there. I made life long friends there. I love ECSU.
Yesterday, my beloved University was in danger of CLOSING. OMG!!!!
The NC State Senate was going to do a "study" about our sustainability or our worth. We have had our challenges. However, we did not deserve this.
Well, when the word got we rallied. We rose like the Phoenix.  The NC Senate heard us. They removed the motion off the table.
Vikings and Historically Black College Graduates heaved a collective sigh.....But our fight is not over.
We are being looked at with the side eye. What can we do?
We got to give back. I am shamed to say, I have not paid alumni dues in years.....I go to Homecoming but take no interest in my Alumni association.
I and other Vikings must make a commitment to support our school.
We have to show up and show out..financially and in numbers. We have to or we will go the way of other HBCUS...and be a distant memory.
The Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Courage when you stumble, Forgiveness when you Fall and Courage to succeed despite the odds.

I stumble a lot. I am so far from perfect.
I am a planner. I plan everything, I even plan my plans...giggle.

Well, I had an opportunity and the opportunity was removed. I was disappointed and disjointed.

I felt off. I had nothing planned. It interrupted my flow and my day.

Then, I learned that Maya Angelou passed. Maya Angelou was a great writer and orator.

Her words could move the dead. She was from Arkansas as was my Mama. She favored Mama's people. She was strong like Mama and those women from Arkansas. Women born in the depression. These women were renaissance women. They rolled with the punches. They recreated themselves over and over again. They were truthful. They fell, stumbled and fell again.

The difference is they had to courage to stumble and they forgave themselves when they fell.

Yesterday evening, I spoke to a woman about partnering about working in restorative justice. I had met her before. She kind of remembered me. Her voice was haughty and not welcoming to me. She seemed to only call me because her mentor advised her to. I did not feel good about conversing with her and felt as if I was attempting to justify my existence, my experience to her. I did not like it. The tone made me feel as if I had not done enough to justify my way, my view, my foot into the restorative justice field.

Then I thought about my Mama and Dr. Angelou. Two women from small towns in Arkansas. Two women with no formal education. Two women who reinvented themselves and spoke their truths. One woman the world knew and one woman who was my world. Both women epitomized courage when they stumbled and both women forgave themselves when they fell.

Both Women showed me that I may stumble and even FALL FLAT ON MY FACE! I may not even have the strength to dust myself off, but I damn sure will have the strength to press on!!

God bless you,  Dr. Angelou. God bless you, Bobbie Jean-Mommy. Thank you!

The Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

I am baacckkkkk!!...Vacation&Education

Vacation was wonderful,  fun, fantastic and educational.

I took time to lounge and swim.

I ate badly & enjoyed adult libations.

We went to bad restaurants and I introduced my husband to my high school classmates.

My college classmate showed her love by preparing a spread worthy of the best southern restaurant ever!!

My high school classmate opened his home and the house party began!!

We attended my college classmates party and  were wowed  by just the class and beauty of the party.

Then the hubby got tired. Then he got irritable.  Then I got irritable.  Then we left.

We had a good day at the aquarium and a so so dinner. Then the hubby was irritated again cause he was tired. REALLY! !

So I pouted, read a book and slept.

We talked about this at breakfast and on the way to the airport.

We had different ideas of what this vacation should entail.  He wanted to meet some of my friends,  see some of my friends, eat good food & rest.
I wanted to see my friends, party, see sights,  party and rest.

We failed to communicate, negotiate and plan.

He apologized as did I. We learned from this vacation.
Communication is critical to having a fun vacation.

Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Friday, May 23, 2014


I am on Vacation. Time to release, relax and let all the cares fall to my side.

Happy Memorial Day .....

See you in a couple of days......unless I got some stuff that is too good to hold


Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Relationships, relationships, relationships

I own OPN- Door Communications LLC.
I am the Executive Director and I am a certified mediator.  I am an experienced trainer, coordinator and facilitator. I am looking for business.  I am in hunt mode. I also am passing on business.  Yep, I
pass on business.
I cannot do everything.  I don't know everything.  I do know how to build relationships.
How do you build relationships?  I am unselfish.  If I don't need the info, I pass it on to someone who does. I listen. I share. I share without expectation of reciprocation. Yep, no expectation!
I don't get caught up in what I have done for you. I do not get caught up. I know Karma.  There is absolutely nothing anyone can take from me, if it is divinely designed for me.
Relationships are circles of trust and communication. You don't always have to reciprocate to have a relationship.  You have to communicate.  You have to do what you say & mean what you say.
If you can't, say so.  Your actions build trust and strengthen relationships.
My Hubby is a master relationship builder in the business arena. He has no fear.  He listens and connects.
Today, due to my husband's connections, I am sitting in a training with a company that I hope to do business with.
Relationships,  Relationships, Relationships
Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hope for the Hopeful & Hope for the Hopeless

Today, I am hopeful. Today, I have an opportunity to share a gift that I have. Today, I get to share my passion.

Today, I walk into a room of people who don't know me and I get to share them with me. I am hopeful that they see my passion, I am hopeful that they understand my gift and hopeful that they embrace me.

Today, I read a story about a homeless family. They are just trying to survive. Then I read that a business man has offered this gentleman a job. Local Businessman offers job

Folks never give up, there is always HOPE.

The Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Staying Motivated when life is moving fast

I am driven. I am tenacious.  I have been recognized for my gifts. I have been recognized for my knowledge.  I have worked hard. I have goals. I have problems staying motivated. Yep..Me.
What to do.. I got sooo much going on. I have steps to take towards my goals.
It is difficult.  Trust me even the most driven have challenges staying motivated. 
I think I need a moment.  I need a moment to decompress and have some fun.
Remotivation..means to regroup. .recharge and refocus.
Remember you cannot be on all the time. You got to take a moment. .for JUST YOU!
Once that is done you will be able to refocus. I promise.
Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Monday, May 19, 2014


Have you had friends, who are just not friends...but just a little more.

I got girlfriends that I have had for years....I consider them more then besties. .they are my sisters or sistahs.

Hills and valleys cannot separate us. Issues cannot hold us apart. I am blessed.  They hold me down and hold me up.

Then I meet women who are to be framily. They are friends but not long time..but are not your sistahs not yet. They are just so genuine. .so smart authentic. .so crazy one fell swoop they jumped from friends to the wonderful hybrid called framily.

That's what happened last night. That's how I ended my weekend.  Adult libations. .grown woman talk..Fantastic food..dancing ..hugs and smiles with my framily..
Hope you find your framily too

Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Morning. ..contemplating

I awoke this morning in contemplation.  I am thinking about my blessings.  I have a roof over my head, a loving supportive husband, great family,  supportative, friends, faboulous sorors, a healthy vibrant dog and a growing business.

I am going to continue to build on my blessings.  I am going to continue to access this great website called and I refuse to allow the viruses of doubt,  negativity, worry and fear to invade and crash my site.

The adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Rainy morning & Sunshine

Yesterday started off stressful. Did not know how the meeting would go or what direction it would take. I rolled with it. I have closed the door and let the chips fall where they may. I am sooo good!!

Went to a training on restorative justice, with an amazing advocate as its facilitator. Stayed for an hour and 1/2 and went back to the hotel, jumped in my tux and rolled into the Sorensen dinner brimming with some of the most important folks in Virginia. I had a blast. Networking and reconnecting with my 2005 classmates. I was renergized.  I loved talking about my new ventures. I felt fantastic.

The afterparty, was amazing....met even more great people. People with similar stories and positive futures. People filled with the spirit of HOPE!!

I sooo enjoyed the connections.....However, one of my new friends suggested we crash the prom that was in the hotel!!! aint said nothing  but a word. Met with folks at the front....they invited us in and we Danced...Cut up!!

Grown ups revisiting our youth, dont get no better then that...

It may be raining when you walk through the storm....but just wait....the  Sun will shine again

The adventures of Vick the Communication Diva.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Do not let your hearts be troubled

I got a lot GOING on today!
A meeting with some old foes.
A training for a new skill.
A party with some old colleagues.

The meeting is troubling my heart.
Am I prepared?  Is my heart and head ready?  Or am I allowing the devil to HAVE power where he should not dwell ?

Then there is is fun.
Seeing and meeting new colleagues awesome.

I Will not let my heart be troubled. .not TODAY!

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Is it still MONDAY? ....U & I got to have FAITH!!

This week has been challenging to say the least. I missed out on opportunities and I am worried.
I am worried about my meeting tomorrow. I am worried that I wont say the right thing and that they will say the wrong thing and set me off......

I should not worry. I should just trust. I should just trust in HIM and know that HIS will,  will be done.

However, I know it's Thursday but it still seems like Monday.

Monday gets a bad rap. It seems like Monday is when anything that can go wrong will go wrong on Monday.....but today is Thursday and I am still a little anxiety ridden.

I have had a lot of bumps and bruises. I have seen some valleys and been through some storms . Just this week.....lots of life insurance tripled because I had cancer in 08!!!...what ....really!!

I started to feel sorry for myself and afraid of the future. I forgot to trust. I started giving the power to someone or something else.

#stopholdupwaitaminute. I am in control here and God has given me the control. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
I am pushing on and giving my problems over to HIM!!!If you do not believe in God or Jesus, I get it...but you got to believe in Something.....Something .........

Have Faith and watch the universe unfold .....

Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Monday, May 12, 2014

Witf it's Monday

No appointments today, so I decided a little spring cleaning is in order.

I am a regular Hazel aka Suzie homemaker. I cleaned the bathrooms, washed 3 loads of clothes,  straightened the bedroom and office.

Then got in a light tiff with the hubby..then received information for my upcoming dreaded necessary meeting on Friday. ..then realized I neglected to follow up on appointments ..aggghhgghhh

Then there was that fight with Solange and Jay-Z. ...naaaa I just wanted to add it.

But anyway ...I just feel aggghhgghhh

Anyway. .happy Monday

Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Happy Mother's day and btw I am not a fing ORPHAN!!

When my mom passed, the director of the agency said to me: "Vickie, now you are an orphan."

Well, I am not a fucking orphan. Nope, sholl aint.

Well what is an orphan? An orphan is a  child who has lost both parents through death, or, less commonly, one parent.  Well, I lost my mom at 45, so I ain't no orphan.

I am a woman whose mom has gone on to glory. I am a woman who misses her. I am a woman who cannot call her mom on the phone. I am a woman who is sad that she cannot surprise her with a mother's day excursion. I am a woman who cannot visit her mom in person. I am a woman who misses her mommy's hugs. I am a woman who misses shopping with her mommy. I am a woman who misses exploring new restaurants and plays with her mom. I am a woman who misses discussing current  events

I am a daughter who misses her mom terribly. I am a daughter who is so very proud to have had a mother like Bobbie Jean Williams. I am a woman who is very proud to say, I am Vickie R. Williams-Cullins the daughter of Bobbie Jean Williams.

Each year, it gets easier or should I say stings less.

I am no orphan, I am simply a woman who misses her mommy. Who misses her mommy even more on Mother's Day.

The Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The day before mother's day..le sigh

The day before mother's day is....
The day before mother's day is...
The day before mother's day is....
Thought provoking
It's been 5 years.

5years that I no longer plan an exciting day for Bobbie Jean my mommy.
I miss her. Each year I get stronger. Each year I miss her more. Each year I am thankful I had her. I miss planning her day. I just do.

I ask that you be gentle and kind to those whose mother's who have gone on to glory. The day before mother's day is a cornucopia of emotions for me and many others. 

So, just be kind on the day before mother's day.♡

Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Friday, May 9, 2014

Grabbing the tiger by the tail

The last few days I have been super busy!
I have had to face a fear...procrastination. I hate to procrastinate,  yet I do it constantly. 

I need to write list. I have all kind of list apps. I use them sporadically.

Why, cause I PROCRASTINATE! !!

Yesterday, I tackled 3 task that I dreaded. I accomplished 2 of them handily and the 3rd by 10:00am this morning.


I got to grab the Tiger by the tail and stop allowing procrastination to win!!!

Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Everything needs to be done now....sheesh

I have an important project on the horizon. I have to prepare and plan my strategy. It needs to be done now and I do not want to do it. Instead, I made some follow up calls, participated in a conference call,  washed some clothes, hung up some clothes, did some banking and paid some bills. I had dinner and thought about the project.

What's blocking my thoughts? Am, I nervous? Do I want to quit? Yes, I really do. I want to throw in the towel. This project is taking up space. Space in my house, life, heart and mind. It blocked an opportunity. I lost some friends and I am a little nervous.

So, I just thought. I just thought and thought and thought.

I decided to take a minute and write an outline. Formulate a plan. I know what to do and I just got to do it.

Don't let an undesirable task stop your progress. Take a breather and then write your plan of attack and follow through with it. We are often our own worst enemy. Lets put our big girl panties on and tackle that task and soon it will just be a check off the old to do list and a distant memory.

The adventures of Vick the Communication Diva.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014


Today is May 6, 2014. Today is Election Day in many cities. Today is Election Day in Hampton, Virginia.

Know your polling place. Have your id. Go and Vote before 7:00 PM today. Know your rights, if you do not have your id, do not leave Vote Provisionally.

City wide Elections affect you personally, DO NOT LEAVE YOUR POWER ON THE TABLE.


Saturday, May 3, 2014

Embrace Your Power and Awesomeness

Today,  I was on a mission.  I wanted to Vote→Shop→Relay for life→see my canceranhli8tor daughter's film debut→walk the survivor lap with my soror &organize my mail....all before noon.
Welllllllll LIFE happens.
Hubby decided that he wanted
To have lunch....

So, of course I stopped to have lunch with my T.
Welll that threw me off !!
I was able to Vote + shop but I missed my canceranhli8tor daughter's film debut.
I was able to organize my mail.

I exercised my power...I made a choice..I walked with my Soror.  It was amazing.  She was thrilled that I was there. I WAS thrilled to walk with her cause she is my soror and friend.  Now this does not dismiss my disappointment in missing my canceranhli8tor daughter's film debut,  it just means we CANNOT DO EVERYTHING!

Today I embraced my power. I made certain my Voice was heard. I embraced my awesomeness and celebrated my survival. I embraced my Soror's awesomeness and celebrated her survival.  I celebrated my hubby's awesomeness and stopped my day to spend time with him. I celebrated my canceranhli8tor daughter's awesomeness by congratulating her on her film debut.
Today embrace your power and celebrate your awesomeness! !
Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Friday, May 2, 2014

The worst that could happen to me is?

What is the worst that can happen to YOU?
Job loss
Death of parent
House fire
Death of child
Death of house
Failed business
Losing custody
Death of pet
Loss of home
What will you do if any or all of this happens?
Do you have a game plan? If you don't you should?  Let me share what works for me.
Accept the worst that can happen.
Envision it. Embrace it. Own the outcome. Develop coping methods.  Design solutions.  Map out your game plan. Embrace it. Own it. Gain courage from it, because although the worst that can happen is catastrophic it is not insurmountable.
You can do this.
Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva