Pay it forward. Do you remember the movie that became a movement?
Today, while at McDonalds, I observed a man give a gentleman a cup of coffee. That warmed my heart, so I bought him some biscuits. Later, I learned McDonalds had not given me the right order. I went back and they gave me my correct biscuit. I had an extra one.
I donated 5$ to shred my items and learned my donation would be doubled. On the way into the library for my mediation appt, I saw a gentleman walking. I asked him if he wanted a sausage biscuit, he nodded yes. I went to my car and got the biscuits, my apple and cold water and gave it to him. He smiled and said God bless.
At this same time my soror, was working her lupus event. I am so proud of her. She has lupus but lupus does not have her. She has worked hard to ensure the community is informed and empowered to manage their disease. She does this work not for the accolades, but simply because it is the right thing to do.
We can all do something, within, our sphere of influence. A small gesture can change a person's day. Selflessly giving of your time to help others is important. You should not do it for the fame, glory or pats on the back. Just do it, simply cause it is the right thing to do.
The Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva