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Sunday, July 27, 2014

Exquisite and Unique

Sometimes, people become conditioned. People especially become conditioned to other people and how they are impacted by events.

If, you have a steady "normal" life people expect you to be happy and accept it.

If, you "normally" react in a steady manner, expect you to ALWAYS act that way.

When, someone reacts differently or takes an unpopular stance against something and their reaction is not their pattern. ..they get the side eye.

I often wonder why , people assume that different and change is bad. When, my job ended people expected me to be sad. I was expected to be desperate for another job.  I wasn't sad. I was nervous but excited.  I was exhilarated.

When, I fought it, people I thought would help...became frightened. They thought, I would be angry..I wasn't.

I am in rebound mode. I am resilient.  I am unique and exquisite. I want you to know that you are unique and exquisite.  I want you to be open to change, shoot I want you to embrace change. I want you to shake off that condition shackle mind thinking. I want you to respect reactions that go against your "norm". Communication is reciprocal, but sometimes you got to listen and think before you reply.

We are unique and exquisite. Own it.

The Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

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