We have the grammar police. The clothes police. The hair police. The relationship police.
Everyone, seems to think that they have permission to correct someone else. I think everyone is guilty of this. Shoot, I know that I am.
Now, don't get me wrong...I don't think we should live in a rule less society. Nope, I just think we should pick our battles and check our motives. Or we reaching out to help or to just show off?
We should write and speak grammatically correct. I do my best but sometimes I get confused. I don't mind a gentle correction to help me get better, but acknowledge what I did well before you correct me.
Sometimes, I think people are too busy enjoying the power that comes with the act of correction; that they forget that to correct is to improve.
Although, I will do my best to properly structure my sentences and use appropriate grammar. I know that I won't . I will have misspelled words and run on sentences. Grammar police, forgive me.
I know when, I speak that I will miss pronounce words. I know when I dress, I may have a wrinkle or two. I know that my blonde short afro may shock you and at times my salty language, may disturb you.
I simply ask, don't let the things that YOU MAY FEEL THE NEED TO CORRECT, stop you from receiving the lesson, that I intend to communicate.
Our greatest lessons may come from vehicles that are not attractive or as polished as we may like. Never forget that. Lastly, before you correct..compliment. The person will most likely view your next action in a more positive manner.
The Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva