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Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Dr. Eric B don't sweat the Technique

This is the Friday of the same week I was told I have breast cancer. This is the afternoon that T and I get answers or at least listen. Now if you know anything about me by now. I am a know it all. Proud of it. I do not and I repeat do not go into anything blind. T is the same way which is why we make a great team (most times :). So sweetie, I am going into this with a note book of questions. I went to web md to find treatment options, I spoke to my sister in law who is a nurse, my sorer who is a nurse, my aunt and a friend who is a breast cancer survivor.

I had been up about 3 nights straight studying, talking about it, dreaming about it, getting myself ready to deal with Dr. B.

Well Yvonne had warned me that Dr. B was straight and through. That he knew his stuff. He went over every and I mean every scenario. From the rooter to the tooter babe.

Well she was right, T and I were there for about 3 hrs. I almost went to sleep. Not because he was boring, I was just stressed and overwhelmed .

He came in very polite and professional. When he was about to speak. I stopped him. I asked to shake his hand. He stopped and he did as I asked. You see, I am a people person, a sales person at heart. I want to have a relationship with the man who is operating on me. I want him to have a relationship with me, not the patient but with me, Vickie .

Than Dr. B was off and running. He spoke about a lumpectomy, re excision, mastectomy, reconstruction, radiation, chemo. He provided percentages, side effects, possibilities, and probabilities. Every question and I mean every questioned he answered before I asked.

Sharp, sharp guy. After we were done, T and I spoke about him. We decided right than and there that he was our surgeon. He was the one. We vibed with him and we had a good feeling about him that he was determined to do what was best for me and would do what we needed to be done.

T and I had a lot to think about we want the lumpectomy or the mastectomy. There are pros and cons to both.

The lumpectomy will save most of your breast, you would have to go through radiation and maybe chemo.

The mastectomy you will lose you breast may go through radiation, may go through chemo, have choices of reconstruction

To save or not save the TATATA
Vick the Communication Diva


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