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Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Major Impact


I still was smarting over the advice I got about the choice between mastectomy and the re-excision. I do not know why it bothered me so much.


It seemed that folks took it personal when I was weighing about cutting my breast off. Like it was their TATA that was being poked and cut. Not mine.


Now what about my new gig. Remember I got a new gig, but I did not expect to have more surgeries.


So I had to tell them what was going on. I had to let them in on the Big BC. My new supervisor was kind about it. But she could not move my start date. So the deal was if I wanted to start I had to show up. There was also the small little thing: FML A .


The FMLA is the Family Medical Leave ACT which provides the following: The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides an entitlement of up to 12 weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave during any 12-month period to eligible, covered employees for the following reasons: 1) birth and care of the eligible employee's child, or placement for adoption or foster care of a child with the employee; 2) care of an immediate family member (spouse, child, parent) who has a serious health condition; or 3) care of the employee's own serious health condition. It also requires that employee's group health benefits be maintained during the leave. The FMLA is administered by the Employment Standards Administration's Wage and Hour Division within the U.S. Department of Labor.


Now the issue here with the new job was as follows. As an at will employee, I would have to have been there 12 months consecutively to be covered under FMLA and also I would be an at will employee. Which means they could let me go at will. Not really very fun, when you are managing a chronic illness.


So right there, I got pissed again. Not at her but my luck. The luck of the draw. You see, I am the major bread winner in the family. We need my salary. I need my insurance, I cannot handle the stress of an at will gig with cancer. I am strong but I need to pull up. Re assess and reflect on how I plan to handle this.


So I sent the paperwork in and I waited to see how my recovery after this next surgery would go!




Thursdays with Dr. B


Instead of Thursdays with Maury, I get Thursdays with Dr. B. You see every surgery that Dr. B has at the hospital is on a Thursday. Mind you this is my 3rd surgery with Dr. B....we have become buddies! :)




Now we got a new Dr. in the mix. Dr. Lewis.


Dr. Lewis is a young plastic surgeon who does not have the certifications that I initially wanted him to have.




I asked Dr. B about him. T asked him so questions , would you have him operate on you. He said that doesn't matter, I would have him operate on my children.




Ok, now it is time to re interview Dr. Lewis. I ask him questions about his certification. Has he taken the courses. What is taking him so long? He answered sufficiently and I decided to let him do the surgery as Dr. B would be with him.












The bad TATA must go


Well ladies and gents, it is time to give up the TATA. We tried and tried, however it was not to be. The TATA must go. Now I have decisions to make. I really cannot take that gig, just too many variables. T really cannot work full time and he is not covered under FMLA because we are not married. We got to be on the same page. I need him to take care of me and he wants to take care of me.

So my brother Jeff, comes back. Cause this is a serious surgery. I get to stay in the hospital for a couple of days and I get rid of the bad TATA and I start reconstruction on the empty space. Breast reconstruction is serious business. I must digress, T and I spoke to the plastic surgeon Dr. Lewis regarding the many options available. We chose the implant as it was less invasive and less complicated. There are many other options-choose carefully and research extensively. Having beautiful tatas is not worth your make that choice.


The surgery went well. Dr. Bashkoff and Dr. Lewis worked in concert to remove my breast and then add the implant. There were no complications. They also added a drain to help drain the fluid that builds up over time.


I got out on that Sat morning I think. I was on a lot of drugs. I was unable to drive for quite a while couple of weeks and it was due to the surgery for about 4 weeks.


Dr. Bashkoff called me that Monday, I think and said it is your friendly neighborhood plumber. I was like what is up Dr. B. He said we got clear margins. Everything is a go! Now this was important, because even though they had started the reconstruction, it was a very small implant. If the margins were not clear, we would have had to have another surgery and radiation and perhaps I may not have been able to have this type of reconstruction.


During my recovery, I received fabulous gift and support. I received a gift basket from my job, with books, treats and money! I received gift cards from my brother Mike and his wife Sherrie....Trader Joes, baby is wonderful. Gift cards from my ACR association members, my Sorors, my Sistah girls brought foods, gift cards everything your could imagine. My brother Kenny cleaned my house ( I am a terrible house keeper). My brother Jeff took the family out for dinner while he was here. I have to admit I had wonderful support...from everyone. The calls ,!


But for someone like me ....who moves and grooves. I had to sit and stay put. I made the time work by looking for wigs...trying to read. Watched a lot of Lifetime. Talked on the phone....just stuff. I was pretty bored. The excitement will soon start...sooon start !





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