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Tuesday, March 31, 2015


Stay focused.
Stay driven.
Stay in the game.
Just stay.

Vick the Communication Diva

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Failure is a process and Faith is your life boat

We have all experienced failure. We stumble. We fall. We think that failures will smother us. We focus and fixate on loss. We compare and are eaten up with jealousy and envy.

We think that we are treading water. We think that we are doing nothing. We think that are failures are our shackles; shackles with no key.

Faith. Faith steps in. Faith is our life preserver. Our life line. Our lifeboat. Faith is not magical. It is the courage to stand, when you want to crumble. It's the tenacity to look a chronic illness in the eye. It's the steadying of the legs after you have been told to leave a job, your home or your spouse. It's the backbone that holds you up as you face a judge.

Faith is always in you. You just call on it and it will come.

Vick the Communication Diva

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Follow the rules or create the rules

I have learned a lot in the last few weeks. Stay focused. Provide clear direction. Learn from the experience. Own the experience. Don't regret the experience. Ask for the opportunity. Don't block the opportunity. Listen and receive peoples actions.

I see the opportunity. I respect your rules, but I choose to create mine.

Vick the Communication Diva

Monday, March 23, 2015


Fear “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”  ― Marianne Williamson, A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of "A Course in Miracles"

Rules, Normal, Unique

Everyone is an expert on how to start a business. Everyone presents a rule book on how to create a workshop.  Everyone has a guidebook on how you can make a million dollars doing xyz.

Just remember you are unique. Rules are guides. Take the advice and make create your own destiny.

You are unique. You listen, you learn and you create the project uniquely designed for you.

Stumble... Fall...get up..and do it all again until you reach that goal.

Vick the Communication Diva

Sunday, March 22, 2015


I received invites to events. Events that would give me great networking opportunities.

I also had a presentation due for my mentor. I had time to complete it...but I shifted priorities.

This event just came up. This deadline was Monday. My mentor adjusted her schedule to accommodate me.

My priority shifted to complete my presentation. I am glad it shifted.

Know your priorities. Know what's important. Choose.

Vick the Communication Diva

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Business or Buzinezz

The last two days have been interesting. I am a business woman. A woman of character. My word is my bond. It takes a lot to take me out my character. Acting in shady secretive manner will do it.
Thank God, for a referral from my little bro...and for creating a relationship with the sons of blood and thunder and a man on the square.

I have learned ..share enough info to get them interested and you serve as the gate way to make and cement the connection.

Business 101 everyone who is friendly ain't your friend. Instead, look to your peoples who have shown their true colors..lean on the shield and search for the square.

Folks show you who they are, believe them, but don't let them take you out your character and don't get in your feelings about it
.....its simply Buzinezzz.

Vick the Communication Diva

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


You try and nothing comes of it. Someone lends a hand and you see hope. You feel as if you have positive impact. You feel good. Anger and nastiness is kicked in your face, like sand on a beach. A challenge you were unprepared for, weighs you down. You follow through but receive no follow up.
You are mentally and physically exhausted.
This all happened today, agggggh!!
Vick the Communication Diva

Sunday, March 15, 2015


Yesterday, I read an article about a man considering suicide. The police officer asked for permission to talk to him. He didn't talk, he just listened. He reached out. The man in pain held on. He gained strength and has continued to fight. He reconnected with the police officer and they became family.
I truly believe that one person can make that difference. Sometimes, we have to have the strength to reach out and be that one. Sometimes, we have to reach out for that one.
Will you be that one?
Vick the Communication Diva

Friday, March 13, 2015

To be seen or to be influential

I am an extrovert. I want to be seen. I want to be heard. I also want to be impactful. I cannot always be the face or the voice. I can always be impactful. I dream big. I am a visionary. I often want folks to hear about my dream and implement it. Simply because I have lazy moments and need a staff.
More often than not we watch folks be recognized. Their picture is on the magazine or their voice is on the radio. We wonder who hooked them up and why ain't I being recognized. The question are you doing for the accolades or the impact? I have had to quiet the roar of fame and be comfortable with the silent strength of impact.

Vick the Communication Diva

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


This is interesting. A start up who also was on TED talked to students about being someone. But he came off as pompous.. Elitist and unrelatable. The #besomebody did not resonate..because I am somebody.
These students threw him under the bus. The disavowed his message and parodied his talk. He became defensive and hostile.

Well, out of conflict came clarity.
You are somebody. My goals don't have to be yours. The other day, I spoke to returning citizens and I guy said I am just a convict. I said nope you are not in jail. You see, you have to rebrand yourself. You have to redefine your self. His goal may be just to not commit another crime...not mess up today...just today.  That is success. He is somebody. We all stumble. We are lazy. We set goals. We make them and miss them. We reassess and stumble to them again.
So never let someone tell you to be are just have to be the somebody that works for you. You just have to be.

The adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Selma 50 and me

3/7/15-50 yrs..bloody Sunday
Selma, Alabama. A black President. A young man who was beaten and bloodied on that bridge is a US Congressman.
I can work on a proposal for my business. I can sit at a table with brilliant Ecsu graduates and strategize. I can fellowship with my sorors..freely. I can celebrate my besties niece and her husband's baby. I can mc my sorors beautiful 40 th.
Yet..we are not done. Selma .
Bloody Sunday put brutality main stream... Change ..came
.We are not done. ..we cannot stop.
Fear must not stop us...
50 short years ..white.Jew..christian..stood together against legal tyranny.

But we are not done..step by step..folks are trying to dismantle.
Our work..ou r rights..we cannot stop
Let's not let this be a moment
Let this be a movement
Register to vote
Engage in your community
Speak out
Speak out
Vick the Communication Diva

Friday, March 6, 2015

Commitment and Consistency

On yesterday, I recommitted to my institution.. My beloved Elizabeth City State University. I completed a presentation on a possible proposal. I recommitted myself to my personal and professional goals.

Viking Pride-85
30 yrs ago my journey into professional life started....and I am claiming my destiny
Vick the Communication Diva

Thursday, March 5, 2015


Everybody wins.
Everybody loses.
Everybody is going through.
Everybody chooses.
Everybody's choices are right.
Everybody's choices are wrong.
Everybody's choices are suspect.
Everybody's choices are on the money.
Everybody makes it.
Anybody is everybody.
Everybody is you.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Fear resonates in the bravest of souls. Yesterday, someone I loved dearly expressed anxiety over a new opportunity. I have been there. Last year, I had contemplated suicide, because I could not pass a test. I was not able to meet the standards that were set for me, no matter how hard I tried. I was despondent.

Everyone, is not met for everything. I know we have to try and we have to forgive ourselves if it does not work. What we should not do is give up, cause its hard. Or give in to bad habits to hide.

We can only do the best we can, while we can and for as long as we can. I was released from that job and soon my soul was at ease.

But, I still had to support myself and I was surprised  when the great JOB that I rightfully deserved did not come through. I got scared again. Fear showed up and showed out. I hoped my husband would save me. But that's not his job..his job is to support me.
I push forward. No change in circumstances will stop fear...we just have to our best to use fear as fuel to reach our dreams.

Vick the Communication Diva

Monday, March 2, 2015

What have you done for yourself lately?

What have you done for me lately? Janet Jackson sang. Today, turn that question inward. What have you done for YOU lately?

I updated my website. Sent out flyers. Spoke to a fellow business owner, who provided me with great advice. Set appointments and reached out for business.

Attended a budget information meeting featuring our city manager. I had a productive day, but its not enough. My business will not market itself....its up to me.

Everyday, I must ask the question, what have I done for ME lately.

Vick the Communication Diva

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Recommit to Delta

The month of March is important for a number of reasons. March is Women's History month and Delta Sigma Theta sisterhood month.  Additionally, I have tagged March as the month for my reinvention, my opportunity to revisit my business and marketing plan. I have not blogged for two months. I don't have an excuse, but I must reengage.

Again, I have great ideas...elaborate visions but poor implementation. This is the month to review, reassess and plan. Next its time to push through.