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Tuesday, December 16, 2014


There is a new reality show called "sorority sisters". If you know anything about reality shows involving women...especially black women..expect to see: fighting..the word bitch bandied around.. Just straight rachetness.
Now, I am a member of Delta Sigma Theta and have been for 32 years. Have I always acted as the perfect, but I learned. I learned whether I am wearing these letters or not.. I should hold myself up to a higher standard.

I am certain that these women knew that their behavior would create controversy and that their participation in this show would not be endorsed by any organization that they belong to..hence the disclaimer.

Fame and money are seductive muses. All money is not good money. All reality shows do not lead to the path of international stardom.
If you want to be rachett..don't do it in association or on the foundation of your Greek organization.
BTW..I do not watch any reality shows..that show women in a disrespectful light.

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