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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Sword of POWER

At the conference yesterday,  I introduced my new empowerment workshop: "Sword of POWER (c)".
Words are powerful. Words can build you up or tear you down.
During this workshop,  I shared my journey.  I shared my struggles, my resilience, how I gained power and found hope.
The participants identified words, phrases and people who convey -Struggle.
The participants identified words, phrases and people who convey - Resilience.
The participants identified words, phrases and people who convey-Power.
The participants identified words, phrases and people who convey - Hope.
The participants were the given Swords of POWER.
On the Sword of POWER, they were to write words that help them cut through Doubt and Despair.  Next they were to write words of Happiness and Hope. Finally, they were to sign it. This was a contract. A visual reminder, that within them, They Have The Power. .to keep going on. 
Words are powerful tools. Remember, you have the power to harness them for YOUR good.

The Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

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