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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Women vote and yet we are seemly still powerless

Yesterday, I read an article titled " Women go to the polls more". Women vote at easily 10% higher then men. Even though, we have proven we have the power, it does not show in the laws that are made.

For example, the Supreme Court's recent decision regarding Hobby Lobby outraged women as it allowed this company to choose not to cover contraceptives due to religious reasons. I was outraged and often wonder why it seems that mygonist men are allowed to be in positions of power to decide on what is best for women.

Case in point, in Virginia men in the general assembly decided to put in place laws that were so restrictive that clinics who offered abortions were put our of business. I mean really. What right do men have to be involved in our vaginas. I mean really.

What really is disturbing is that we are electing these folks. We are a powerful voting block. Why are we not DEMANDING laws that protect us. Why are we in 2014 still fighting for equal pay? We are a powerful voting block, yep, I said it again. Why aren't we using our power. Most health insurers cover Viagra but have challenges covering birth control...what?

We as women must collectively get together and demand that the white male congress listen to us. In Virginia, we as women must collectively get together and demand that the white male general assembly listen to us.

I am sick of not being heard. I am sick of white males impacting our laws. It is time, ladies to put our high heels down and DEMAND action. We no longer need to be reactive, we must be proactive.

I think that I will start a think tank......If you are with me SCREAM!!

The Adventures of Vick the Communication Diva

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