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Thursday, October 16, 2014

Chemo, chemo when do I start chemo

Chemo, chemo when do I start chemo
I had to wait 4 weeks before I could start chemo. I had a nurse for about 20 days, as I had a drain in my side and I could not wash myself or really care for myself with out help. T was working more and really could not do it. So I had a nurse who came in once a day to check my wounds (stitches) and make certain my drain was working well.
The nurses where great...guard dog Bootsy B. Bear was on point. He barked loudly at everyone and than loved them up. After I was discharged from the nurse, I was restless...hated being in the house, hated being on heavy drugs for I started to take Tylenol like no body's business and percecet. I would alternate.
Well ...I would soon see that did not work well.

My oncologist!
In early May,  I met my oncologist. Dr. Kim Schlesinger. Dr. Kim is a short vibrant intelligent woman. With a personality for days. She asked inquiring questions and took as much time with us as we needed. She was real. We decided she was a keeper.
Now my team is complete. I got Yvonne Pike, Dr. Lewis, Dr. Eric Baskhoff and Dr. Kim Schlesinger. ,....I am thinking let’s get this moving. I got a life to live.
But take note that if you want the best....they will test. Again, I came prepared with questions and test that I should have. I wanted to know my HER status, I wanted the Oncotype test, I wanted the Brac test. The oncotype test provides the doctor with data as to if my tumor will be receptive to chemo and it it will come back in the next 5 to 10 years with out intervention. The Brac test will let me know if I carry a gene that would make me or my female relatives predisposed to breast cancer. All of this information is important as I have nieces and they are my world, my legacy, I need to protect them if I can.
Well sister love Dr. Kim was way ahead of me. She was already ordering the test. I liked her style, she was sharp and funny. She was going for a cure. Period !
Oh yeah, I happened to mention to Dr. Kim, that I was going to get my nails done as soon as possible. She was like er nope, I was like EXCUSE me. She was like not happening. I was hot about it, now I knew why (infection, infection, infection) However, I did not have to like it. So I was like OK, seems as if you know what you are talking about so I will concede. Dr. Kim was like oh really, like you have done this before. We fell out laughing. You see Dr. Kim can and does accept my humor. Which is why I am glad she is on my team!
So we start the blood work mobile.

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